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The Religion Of Christianity

Îsâ (Jesus) [’alaihi ’s-salâm] was sent to improve the religion of the Israelites. That means, true Christianity is only the reformed religion of the Israelites. Îsâ (’alaihi ’s-salâm) says in the seventeenth verse of the fifth chapter of the book of Matthew, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” It will be unnecessary to repeat the same explanations given in the section “Qur’ân al- kerîm and the Bibles,” but we kindly request our dear readers to refer to that section. The original Bible containing the initial scriptures of Christianity conveyed by Hadrat Îsâ (’alaihi ’s- salâm) was changed many times and a great deal of foreign scriptures and myths were added. As a result of these invented myths being mixed with the words and orders of Allâhu ta’âlâ, the Bible lost the characteristics of being a holy book. In his Turkish book Izâhulmerâm fî Kashfîz-zulâm, the great Islâmic scholar Alhaj Abdullah Ibn Dastân Mustafa (rahimahullâhu ta’âlâ), who died in 1303 [1885], explains what the book that was sent to Hadrat Îsâ and that was mentioned in the Qur’ân al-kerîm was. That book states as follows: “When the Jews tried to kill Hadrat Îsâ (’alaihi ’s-salâm), they seized him and burnt the Bible he had with him or they tore it into pieces. Until that time, the Bible itself had not yet been spread all over the world, and his religion and Sharia (religious laws) had not been established. This was due to the fact that Îsâ (’alaihi ’s-salâm) had preached his religion for only two and half or three years. Also for this reason no possibility existed of finding another copy of the Bible. His apostles were few and most of them were uneducated; therefore, it was impossible for them to have had other written proofs. Up to that time, the Bible had not been written down, but it had been memorized by Îsâ (’alaihi ’s-salâm), only. This may be another possibility: In the spiritual council of Nicaea (Iznik), 325 years after Christ, a large number of Bibles were burned as a result of being judged ‘false, wrong or baseless.’ Perhaps, the real Bible was burned among them.”

Today’s Christian world admits that many foreign words were inserted into the Bible resulting in the actual orders of Allâhu ta’âlâ and the words of His human slaves being mixed together. No doubt, the Bible was originally in the Hebrew language. Later, it was translated into Latin and Greek. While translating the Hebrew Bible into Greek, a lot of mistakes were made. Furthermore, because of the fact that the Greek idolaters opposed the idea of “One Allah,” they tried to adapt the Bible itself to the philosophy of Plato. Consequently, the dogma of the Trinity (union of three), which is completely unreasonable, was introduced into the Bible. According to the philosophy of Plato, it is not good to worship many idols by making specific idols for specific gods. Plato’s Philosophy also claims that god is the union of three. =>

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