Conclusions Drawn From The Statements Of The People Who Embraced Islam
The clear, sincere and concordant statements made by people belonging to various races, countries and professions on why they had accepted Islam reflect their personal convictions concerning Islam’s difference from and superiority to the other religions. They can be summed...
Islam Is Not A Religion Of Savagery
Now, in order to show you how a true Muslim should behave, we shall translate a letter of our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’: The letter which our master the Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ had written (by his secretary)...
The Religion Of Brahmanism
Brahma means holy word. Madhhar-i Jân-i Jânân[1], an- Islamic scholar of India, states in his fourteenth letter, “This religion was invented in India centuries before Îsâ (Jesus) ‘alaihis- salâm’. It was a true heavenly religion. Its followers became kâfir (disbelievers)...
All the castes (classes) in the religion of Brahmanism are rejected by Buddha. He does not accept the privileges granted to the classes of Brahmanism. They are not given superiority. He embraces (loves) the people called pariah. Human beings are...
Bahaîs And Qâdiânîs
The enemies who wanted to demolish Islam from within formed new corrupt groups, by disguising themselves under the name of Islam. The Bahâî, Qâdiânî and Tablîgh-i Jamâ’at are the most notorious groups. BAHAÎS: Their chief is a Persian named Albâb...
The exalted Prophet selected by Allâhu ta’âlâ to spread this new religion was Hadrat Muhammad (’alaihi ’s-salâtu wassalâm). The section entitled Qur’ân al-kerîm and Bibles contains many explanations about how Hadrat Muhammad grew up, how he was given the first...
Judaism – The Taurah – Talmud
A book titled (Who Wrote The Torah), published in 1987 by Elliot Friedman, a professor in the University of California in U.S.A., stirred up the Jewish and Christian worlds. Professor Friedman explains that the five books composing the Taurah were...
It is the Jewish holy book next to the Taurah in importance. They call this book (Oral Commandments). It comprises two parts: Mishnah and Gemara. The Talmudic chapters called ‘Hoshem hamishpat’, ‘Yoreh deah’, ‘Sultan Arah’ contain the following statements,...
Contradictions And Discrepancies Among The Four Gospels
The errors, contradictions and interpolations seen in the existing Gospels are uncountably numerous. Many of them are explained in the book Iz-hâr-ul-haqq. Also, there is extensive and detailed information in this respect in books that were written and are still...
The Gospel Of John
As for the Gospel of John; as is known, till the emergence of the fourth Gospel which is attributed to John, the religion of Îsâ ‘alaihis-salâm’ was based on the principle of unity, no different from the canonical laws of...