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How to be become muslim?

How to convert to islam and become muslim?

To be a Muslim, no formality is necessary, such as going to a mufti or imâm. To have faith, it is necessary to say the Kalima-i shahâda and to know its meaning.

To say (The Kalima-i Shahâda); that is, one should say, (Ash’hadu an lâ ilâha illallâh wa ash’hadu anna Muhammadan ’abduhû wa rasûluhû). In other words, a person who has reached the age of discretion and puberty and who can talk has to say verbally, “On the earth or in the sky, there is nothing and no one besides Allâhu ta’âlâ who deserves to be worshipped and worthy of being worshipped. The real deity is only Allahu ta’âlâ. He is the Wâjib ul-wujûd. His existence is indispensable. He is always self-existent. He is not created by someone else. He doesn’t need anything to exist. As He exists now, He has always been existing and will continue to exist. He is the One who created everything out of nothing. Everything was nonexistent but Him. Every supremacy is in Him. No defect exists in Him. His name is Allah,” and to believe in this absolutely with all their heart. And also one should say and believe: “The exalted person who had a white, bright and lovely face, blessed wide forehead, good-natured; whose shadow never fell on the ground, soft-spoken and was called Arab because he was born in Mekka and a descended from Hashemite, (Muhammmad “alaihissalâm”, son of Abdullah is a Servant and Messenger that is Prophet of Allahu ta’âlâ). He is the son of Hadrat Amine, the daughter of Wahab.

Lexically îmân means ‘to know a person to be perfect and truthful and to have faith in him.’ In Islam, ’îmân’ means to believe the fact that Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam’ is prophet of Allâhu ta’âlâ; that he is the Nabî, the Messenger chosen by Him, and to say this with belief in the heart; and to believe in brief what he conveyed briefly and to believe in detail what he conveyed in detail from Allâhu ta’âlâ; and to say the Kalima-i Shahâda whenever possible.

Îmân means to love everything which Muhammad ’alaihissalâm said and to approve, that is to believe, them by heart. Those people who believe in this manner are called Mu’min or Muslim. Each and every Muslim must follow Muhammad ’alaihis-salâm. They must walk in the path he guided. His path is the path shown by the Qur’ân al-karîm. This path is called Islam.

The basis of our religion is îmân. Allahu ta’âlâ neither loves nor accepts any worship or any good deeds of those who don’t have îmân. Any person who wants to be a Muslim must have îmân first. Then, he must learn ghusl, ablution, namâz and other fards and harâms whenever it is necessary.

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