Conditions For Being A True Muslim
How Allâhu ta’âlâ likes His slaves to be is explained very well in the Qur’ân al-kerîm. The exalted meanings of verses 63-69 in Chapter Furqan are: “[The virtuous] slaves of the Rahmân (Allâhu ta’âlâ’, who has much compassion for His...
Errors In The Bible
*** There are as many as 50,000 errors in the Holy Bible! *** “An article that appeared on the September 8th, 1957 issue of the American periodical AWAKE read as follows: So there are as many as fifty thousand errors...
The Gospel Of Barnabas
A book entitled the Injil was revealed to Hadrat Îsâ. But the Jews eradicated the book within eighty years. The Holy Bible which appeared later and is now considered the Christians’ holy book sent by Allâhu ta’âlâ consists of two...
The Religion Of Christianity
Îsâ (Jesus) [’alaihi ’s-salâm] was sent to improve the religion of the Israelites. That means, true Christianity is only the reformed religion of the Israelites. Îsâ (’alaihi ’s-salâm) says in the seventeenth verse of the fifth chapter of the book...
The Religion Of Judaism And The Jews
While the Israelites were under the control of the Romans, Îsâ (’alaihi ’s-salâm) was born. During the days of those calamities, the original copies of the Torah were destroyed. Some new books were written and were given the name Torah....
The Religion Of Brahmanism
Brahma means holy word. Madhhar-i Jân-i Jânân[1], an- Islamic scholar of India, states in his fourteenth letter, “This religion was invented in India centuries before Îsâ (Jesus) ‘alaihis- salâm’. It was a true heavenly religion. Its followers became kâfir (disbelievers)...
All the castes (classes) in the religion of Brahmanism are rejected by Buddha. He does not accept the privileges granted to the classes of Brahmanism. They are not given superiority. He embraces (loves) the people called pariah. Human beings are...
Bahaîs And Qâdiânîs
The enemies who wanted to demolish Islam from within formed new corrupt groups, by disguising themselves under the name of Islam. The Bahâî, Qâdiânî and Tablîgh-i Jamâ’at are the most notorious groups. BAHAÎS: Their chief is a Persian named Albâb...
The exalted Prophet selected by Allâhu ta’âlâ to spread this new religion was Hadrat Muhammad (’alaihi ’s-salâtu wassalâm). The section entitled Qur’ân al-kerîm and Bibles contains many explanations about how Hadrat Muhammad grew up, how he was given the first...
Today’s Copies Of The Torah And The Bible
Now, let us put our hand on our heart and ponder: can a book containing partly Words of Allah, partly a prophet’s utterances, and mostly narratives conveyed by various people be accepted as the ‘Word of Allah’? In fact, the...